Bike to Work scheme
Using the Bike to Work scheme, your employer can help you obtain a brand new bike and safety equipment worth up to €1,000.
The cycling campaign strongly supports this scheme and has made submissions to the Government for it to be retained and expanded to other groups of people, e.g. children, the unemployed.
Midsummer Liffey Cycle - Support a Safe Segregated Liffey Cycle Route
If you’ve thinking about cycling to work but haven’t worked up the courage yet, there’s a great article over on Momentum Mag that might help you.
If you missed the talk by Arlene Finn of the Smarter Travel Workplaces/ Smarter Travel Campus programmes in the National Transport Authority on “Smarter Travel for Employers - A
Pre-Budget submission from, the Irish cycling advocacy network.
The Cycle to Work Scheme is a tax incentive scheme which aims to encourage employees to cycle to and from work.