Demand a Stand Survey

Have you ever arrived at a destination only to be faced with a desert of available cycle parking? Now you can tell Dublin City Council exactly where you want more bike parking. Over a three week period (April 9-30) we want you to log the locations where bike parking is scarce, using the Space Engagers app or website.

Space Engagers is an interactive mapping tool that enables citizens to gather data for social and community projects. It has already been used to map vacant lots.

The Demand-a-Stand project is collaboration between the Dublin Cycling Campaign and Space Engagers to enable our members and the general public to use the Space Engagers app to identify where they would like to see more bike parking.

We will use this to build a heatmap of the most popular logged locations and campaign for more bike parking there, providing the locations with most demand to Dublin City Council.

The app is super easy to use (see below). Install the Space Engagers app (available for Android or iOS) and register. In the app select the Demand a Stand project. With the app, take a photo of the location you think should have more cycle stands. This will automatically tag that location on the map. It’s that easy! If you’d like, you can also add more information about the location.

On the map view, you should be able to see all the other locations that people have logged. Does your location already have a lot of icons? That’s no reason to not log the location - we will recommend the top 10 locations to Dublin City Council based on popularity, so even if someone else has documented a location, you should too. Think of your log as a vote for that location. You can also use the website to upload pictures and view the project.

Please share this with your friends on social media. Remember to use the #demandastand tag when talking about this on Twitter or Instagram.

Now download the app and get mapping (and sharing)!

Using the Space Engagers app

Download the Space Engagers app for Android or iOS Please look at the attached PDF for more instructions on how to use the app. Happy mapping!

News Item

Sunday, 8 April 2018 (All day)

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