Full steam ahead for Cycle South Dublin

The South Dublin sub-group of the cycling campaign recently met with the Active Travel Team from South Dublin County Council.

The Active Travel Team provided an update on the Cycle South Dublin programme. This programme was adopted in 2021 and included 45 routes that will provide 260km of high quality cycling routes. Great progress has been made since 2021 and the NTA allocated €22.33m of funding in 2024, which will be augmented by €5 from council funding. 10 schemes are under construction in 2024 including the next phase of the Dodder Greenway (Blue Haven Junction), Grand Canal to Lucan (phase 1a), Oldbawn to Ballyboden, Glendown Road and Templeville Road, Wellington Lane, and the second phase of the Castletymon Road scheme. 9 other schemes are at the design stage. The much needed Grand Canal Extension from 12th Lock to Hazelhatch has gone out to tender.

Three school streets have been completed in 2024 in Clondalkin, Palmerstown and Tallaght. Phase 1 of the D24 neighbourhood scheme, the Limekiln Lane D12 (Bike Bus Route) and the Lower Dodder Road section of the Dodder Greenway were completed in 2024.

For full details of the 45 cycling projects that will be progressed in 2024 see the attached presentation.

We previously made requests to the council in relation to cleaning and maintenance of cycle tracks, more bike parking, removal of kissing gates and signage for bike routes. These requests have been passed to the relevant departments in the Council and we hope to get positive feedback soon.

The cycling campaign will be meeting with the active travel team again in October 2024. Are there issues for cyclists in South Dublin that you would like us to raise? Or new cycle tracks that you think are particularly good? Or would you like to join the South Dublin sub-group? If so drop us an email at: south-dublin@irishcyclingcampaign.ie

News Item

Friday, 5 July 2024 - 2:30pm

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