Looking After Your Bike
With some routine maintenance, your bike will give you many years of pleasure and some simple tasks will avoid larger headaches.
And if you don’t have time to maintain your bike check out our Membership Rewards Scheme for a list of bike shops that give special discounts to our members.
The Campaign took the chance to pop along to the opening of Bike Hub Crumlin this afternoon – an exciting development for local young and older people in Dublin 12.
Watch our online public meeting, recorded on Monday 13th July 2020.
Saturday 20th June @ 1pm to 5pm.
At our monthly meeting in April 2014 David Timoney gave this presentation on his research into Bike Theft in Ireland and the 
Congratulations to Dublin based custom bike manufacturers ‘Funked Up’ who have just been announced as winners of the prestigious 2014 Propeller Program f
This video from the RSA reminds us of the importance of checking your equipment before setting out on your journey.
This video from the RSA gives advice about how cycling can be enjoyed safely when you understand the rules of the road and practise proper
This guide to basic bike maintenance was developed especially for National Bike Week, to help you keep your bike in working order.
This guide to basic bike maintenance was developed especially for National Bike Week, to help you keep your bike in working order.
Thank you to BikeWeek.ie who have produced this video. This guide to basic bike maintenance was developed especially for National Bike Week, to help you keep your bike in working order.
Taken and adapted from The Lothian Cycle Campaign in Scotland.