Dublin Cycling Campaign AGM 2018
Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) for 2018 will take place on Saturday 15th September in the lovely Tailors’ Hall (An Taisce’s HQ) on Back Lane, very close to Christchurch Cathedral - see here. We’ll have tea/coffee available at 1.30pm and will start the AGM at 2pm sharp. You can also pop along from 1pm if you want to help us with setting up the room!
This is the first time we have ever run our AGM on a Saturday (rather than a Monday night). This is so as to facilitate as many people as possible (particularly those with family commitments during the week) in attending.
The AGM will be a convivial event, enabling members to reflect on the past year and exchange views on what we ought to be concentrating on in the year ahead. It will also give us with a chance to assess how we are progressing with our new Strategic Plan 2017-2020. Do check it out if you haven’t already done so - here. If you make it to just one DCC meeting this year, make it the AGM! And don’t forget that you need to be a signed-up DCC member to attend and vote on various matters - you can sign up here if you haven’t yet got around to it.
Crucially, we will elect a new Executive Committee at the AGM, and we would encourage all of our members to consider putting themselves forward for the key positions in the Campaign for 2018-19. See here for more details on this.
Finally - and perhaps the most exciting news at all - we will mark Dublin Cycling Campaign’s 25th Birthday at our AGM, and we are currently finalising plans for later that evening to which everyone will be invited. Details to be posted here soon.
Help us do more for cycling in Dublin by becoming a member!