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Get Ireland Cycling Stakeholder Consultation
8th Mar 2018
News Item

Sport Ireland hosted the event in Dublin’s Chester Beatty Library

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What Are the Physical and Mental Benefits of Cycling?
7th Mar 2018

By Jane Dawn

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Marketing and Publicity Expertise Needed!
5th Mar 2018

We know Dublin could be an even more delightful city if we could change the culture to be better disposed to cycling, walking and using our public spaces in people-friendly ways, right?

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Progress for Safer Cycling as MPDL gets the Green Light!
3rd Mar 2018
News Item

So many of us were distracted by the effects of Storm Emma, and the resultant snowfalls, that we haven’t fully accepted the fact that a pretty momentous occasion in terms of cycle campaigning

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Winter Weather Cycling Warning
26th Feb 2018
News Item

Extreme cold weather is expected to hit Ireland this week.

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St. Patrick's Day - Join in the Parade with Dublin Cycling Campaign!
17th Feb 2018
News Item

We are now seeking volunteers and participants for the Dublin parade on March 17th

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The Role Of The Irish Police & The Health & Safety Of People Who Want To Cycle
6th Feb 2018

The Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland held a public meeting in Wood Quay on Monday the 22nd of January.

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Update on Luas Track Cycling Issues
5th Feb 2018
News Item

Progress is being made on solutions to the current difficulties.

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Traffic Pressures a Major Factor in Tram Track Cycling Crashes
4th Feb 2018
News Item

More than half of victims reported that traffic pressures contributed to their crash.

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Campaign to End ‘Cycle Hatred’
3rd Feb 2018
News Item

By Jane Dawn

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Minimum Passing Distance Law - Urgent!
25th Jan 2018
News Item

Contact your TDs NOW and ask them to support the Minimum Passing Distance Law!

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Dublin Bikes Station Expansion Getting Underway
23rd Jan 2018
News Item

Network is being expanded into new parts of Dublin City’s northside.

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New Facebook Group for Dublin Cycling Campaign
12th Jan 2018
News Item

New Facebook Group for keeping in touch with all things cycling.

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Bicycle Christmas Party - A Fine Finish to 2017
22nd Dec 2017
News Item

A big shout out to everyone who came along to our Bicycle Christmas Party on Saturday night in The Teeling Whiskey Distillery in Newmarket, Dublin 8.

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Luas Tracks & Cycling Injuries
14th Dec 2017

Over the past 18 months, since the new rails began to be installed for the Luas Cross City project, Dublin Cycling Campaign has received multiple messages from people who’ve fallen while cycl

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Fingal County Council pass motion objecting to removal of car lane at Fairview park
13th Dec 2017

At the recent meeting of Fingal County Council on Monday 11th December 2017 a motion was put forward by Councillor E.O’Brien to abandon plans of removal of a car lan

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Luas Cross City & Cycling - Public Meeting Report
12th Dec 2017
News Item

Report on our public meeting about the impact of Luas Cross City on cycling.

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Cycling and Hateful Rhetoric - Opinion
29th Nov 2017
News Item

People who cycle are entitled to the same protection against hateful rhetoric as anyone else, argues Kieran Ryan.

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"Stop Killing Cyclists" - Vigil & Demonstration
20th Nov 2017
Press release

Press release for immediate use: Issued by, Dublin Cycling Campaign, IBIKEDublin, Safe Cycling Ireland & Cycling W

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Clontarf-City Centre Cycle Route - Dublin Cycling Campaign Position
9th Nov 2017
News Item

There has been great controversy over the proposed cycle route design from Clontarf to Amiens Street.

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