Dublin Cycling Campaign Annual Members Meeting 2020
The 2020 Dublin Cycling Campaign Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) took place on Thursday, 15th October 2020 at 7:30pm. It was held online via Zoom.
A recording of the event is available here: Dublin Cycling AMM 2020
Minutes of the meeting can be found here: AMM 2020 Minutes
We elected a new committee on the night. Thank you very much to all who ran for the committee and congratulations to the new comittee members
- Kevin Baker Chair
- Ellen Cullen Vice- Chair
- Paschal Comerford Treasurer
- Vinnie Meyler Secretary
- Conor Cahill Committee
- Mary Caulfield Committee
- Alan Downey Committee
- Mairead Forsythe Committee
- Siobhán McNamara Committee
- Úna Morrison Committee
- Cynthia O’Mahony Committee
- Joan O’Connell Committee
- Oisin O’Connor Committee
- Kieran Ryan Committee
- Damien O’Tuama Committee / NCC
Motions We voted on 9 motions, 8 of which were passed.
Thanks again for attending the Annual Members Meeting and for your continued support of the Dublin Cycling Campaign
The AMM is open to fully paid-up members of the Dublin Cycling Campaign as of 1st October 2020. Members can vote at the AMM, and can submit motions and run for committee positions.
Please register your attendance using the link below with the email address you use for your membership. Deadline for registration will be end-of-day 12th October 2020.
Registration Closed
The purpose of this year’s AMM is to:
- Elect a new Dublin Cycling Campaign executive committee - 14 positions
- Agree on our main priorities (campaigning / policy / organisational) for the coming year
- Vote on motions submitted by the current committee and members
- Review the year 2019/2020
(NOTE: This is not the AGM of the Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG, the legal entity within which we operate. That will take place in December 2020.)
Electing the Dublin Cycling Campaign Executive Committee
All committee roles are up for election this year. There are four officer roles (Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer, Secretary) and 10 other committee positions whose roles will be agreed later by the committee. If all members are not elected on the day the committee can co-opt members in future.
The committee should reflect the society it represents and it is important that we have a suitably diverse make-up. We are encouraging a good gender and diversity balance, a range of skills and competences and geographical coverage across Dublin City and County.
Committee members typically attend one committee meeting a month plus additional meetings or events (and engage in some online discussions / decision-making). It is a great opportunity to actively participate and shape the Campaign’s goals and objectives. A key priority for next year, for example, is to develop our strategy for the next five years.
Nominees for committee members will be open until 5 October 2020. Any paid-up member as of 1st October 2020 can run for the committee. People can self-nominate but must be nominated and seconded at the AMM by other members. Those running should email a short bio and their motivation for running to the Secretary of the committee by 5th October 2020 (vinniem@dublincycling.com).
Voting will be by proportional representation during the AMM only.
Submitting and voting on Motions
There will be two sets of motions to vote on at the AMM; Executive motions and member motions.
Executive Motions are submitted by the existing committee and must be submitted by 5th October 2020.
Member motions can be submitted by paid-up members and must be submitted to the Secretary (vinniem@dublincycling.com) by 5th October 2020
The committee will prioritise the motions in advance of the AMM. If we do not cover all within the allocated time on the day the committee will address them at a later date.
Motions will be proposed and seconded by members. Any amendments will be voted on and the text agreed before voting on the final motion. As we only have a short time for the AMM we want to minimise the number of amendments as much as possible.
Roles and responsibilities for running the AMM will be decided closer to the time; however, a minute-taker will be assigned at the start of the meeting to capture proposers, seconders, wording of motions, amendments, etc.
- Open from 7:15pm for chat and tech checks etc
- Start 7:30pm
- Nominate minute taker
- Review of year - Kevin Baker (Chair)
- Review of Finances - Paschal Comerford (Treasurer)
- Governance - an update from the board of Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG
- Annual members’ survey - Kieran Ryan
- Election of committee members
- Motions (including a review of motions agreed last year)
- Close-out
- Breakout sessions after AMM
Key dates:
- Only fully paid-up members as of 1st October 2020 can attend and vote at the AMM
- Committee nominations and short bio and executive and member motions - 5th October 2020 to vinniem@dublincycling.com
- Agenda - 8th October 2020
- Final date of registration - 12th October 2020
- Annual Members Meeting - 15th October 2020
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