Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG AGM 2022
Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG AGM
Wednesday, 7th December 2022 - 8pm online
The Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 7th December 2022 at 8 pm. The Dublin Cycling Campaign CLG is the legal entity under which Cyclist.ie and Dublin Cycling Campaign operate.
The AGM is open to fully paid-up individual members of the Dublin Cycling Campaign and Cyclist.ie plus one voting representative from each paid-up local group. You can still register for the event here:
- Approve Minutes of 2021 AGM
- Review Financial Accounts for 2021
- Provide an update on Governance Issues
- Elections - there are no open positions on the board therefore there will be no elections
- Motions - one motion has been received:
Proposed by: Joe MacDonagh
- the increasing number of motorised scooters on our roads;
- the increasing number of electric bicycles on our streets- both with and without the user operating pedals;
- the proposed legislation by the Minister to re-categorise certain motorised bicycles as mopeds, where they can operate above a certain speed threshold;
- the increasing usage of bike lanes by traditional- non-electric or non-fuel powered- bicycles, often at speeds exceeding the speed limit;
This motion mandates the officers of the Dublin Cycling Campaign to advocate primarily for the rights and funding of non-electric and non-motor powered bicycles or scooters- known as traditional bicycles- in the exclusive use of bicycle lanes, access to bicycle parking and regarding the provision of safe avenues for transport and road usage.
Motions will be proposed and seconded by members. We will not accept any amendments to motions on the day.
Key dates:
- Final date of registration - 6pm on 7th December 2022 (updated deadline). Only fully paid-up members of Dublin Cycling Campaign and Cyclist.ie as at 5pm on 2nd December 2022 can attend and vote at the AGM.
- Send member motions to vinniem@dublincycling.com by 2nd December 2022 - closed
- Final agenda including motions will be sent - 5th December 2022
- Annual General Meeting - 7th December 2022 at 8pm - Online
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