A Time to Rethink - Campaign Strategy Session.
Every two to three years, Dublin Cycling Campaign hosts a special session in which we evaluate our aims and reflect critically on what we are currently working on. We then develop a new strategy for the short/medium term. We think the time is right for another such session and we would love to have you on board.
We are particularly conscious of a number of shifts in the context in which we work:
- We have a new Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport and it is not yet clear what (if any?) Minister Ross’s commitment is to low carbon transport and the promotion of everyday cycling.
- We are now well over half-way past the mid point in the implementation period of the National Cycle Policy Framework, 2009-2020 but, alas, political commitment to the NCPF has been weak (at best) since 2009.
- Some potentially game-changing transportation and public realm schemes are either on the cusp of being realised……. or else moving forward at the pace of a young glacier: the completion of Luas Cross City, the re-casting of College Green as a people friendly public space, the creation of a safe and attractive Liffey Cycle Route, the expansion of safer 30km/h speed limit zones…
- Dublin City has been successful with its bid to host the 2019 Velo-city International Cycling Planning Conference
- Utility / commuter cycling levels into Dublin City centre have more than doubled over the last decade, and we will observe closely the results of Census 2016 on travel patterns (due at the end of 2017 we understand)
We are also mindful of how cycle campaigning has matured in Dublin and nationally:
- Dublin Cycling Campaign (DCC) continues to increase its numbers of members, fans and activists.
- DCC is at the core of Cyclist.ie - the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, the member for Ireland of the European Cyclists’ Federation.
- Alliances with other organisations have crystallised in recent years: Cyclist.ie has formed strategic partnerships with An Taisce and Cycling Ireland and is an active member of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition and the Love 30 Campaign.
- DCC / Cyclist.ie have formal representation on many bodies such as Local Authority (LA) Strategic Policy Committees and LA Cycle Forums and have regular meetings with all of the key government departments and agencies.
- Campaigning journalism in the form of the terrific IrishCycle.com blog has grown from strength to strength.
- In October 2016 we organised the largest mass cycle protest ever in Ireland demanding better conditions for everyday cycling.
The time now seems right to gather again and discuss how we might best realise our vision of Dublin as a “vibrant living city where everyone can safely enjoy everyday cycling” (as per our existing strategy).
Do we need more street protests? Do we step up our lobbying (of politicians, officials, business representatives, other stakeholders etc.) and, if so, in what way? Do we further activate our representations through statutory and other committees? Should we engage with the media in a different way? Should we use other methods (e.g. Freedom of Information (FoI) requests, legal challenges etc.) to advance the cause? Do we need new alliances? Equally, what should we do less of, since we are a 100% voluntary organisation and already over-stretched!?
You decide! So please come along to our strategy session. The date is Saturday 28th January, time and location to be confirmed - watch this space.
Help us do more for cycling in Dublin by becoming a member!