Plans for new cycle route in Hansfield to connect to Royal Canal
A new strategic development zone SDZ in Hansfiled in Fingal County council will provide connection and access to the Royal Canal very close to Clonsilla. A large new housing estate is currently being constructed beside Hansfiled train station. The government designated 80.74 hectares of privately owned land at Hansfield as a site for the establishment of a Strategic Development Zone for residential development on 19th June 2001(S.I No. 273 of 2001). It is based on the criteria and considerations for the designation of sites for SDZ’s as set out in Part IX, Sections 165 to 171 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). A question put forward by Green Party Councilor Roderic O’Gorman” “To ask the Chief Executive what provision is made within the Hansfield SDZ Plan to integrate the new development with the Royal Canal?”. The adopted scheme was the subject of an appeal to An Bord Pleanala, who granted the scheme subject to modifications on 30th January 2006. The response from the Chief Executive of Fingal Countiy council Under Section 5.2.6 it states that ‘the south edge of Zone 6 is in close proximity to the Royal Canal, which is an important amenity in the area. It is an objective of the Council to secure the provision of pedestrian and cycle access to the Canal Walkway, as detailed in Section 8.5.2. This will provide a ‘gateway entrance to the environs of the Royal Canal and will ensure the potential future availability of pedestrian and cycle access via the Royal Canal to Clonsilla rail station and the possibility of shorter direct routes. Section 8.5.2 states that the SDZ will maximise the provision of pedestrian and cyclist routes and design these routes to encourage movement within and into the SDZ. ….The SDZ will provide safe and attractive routes that feature good passive surveillance, lighting, cycle parking facilities and which relate well to desire lines to/from local facilities….Emphasis will be on the creation of pedestrian/cyclist linkages to Amenity Areas –The Royal Canal, Tolka Valley Park, Liffey Valley SAAO. Plans for the Royal Canal greenway are found on…
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