Dublin Cycling Campaign Bikeweek Festival 2019

Dublin Cycling Campaign’s Great Bikeweek Bike Festival
Its that time of year again when much of the countryside takes to the bicycle as part of Ireland’s annual Bikeweek - ww.bikeweek.ie. And Dublin is no exception, as we in Dublin Cycling Campaign, in collaboration with Dublin City Council, OPW and Dublin Community Gardens launch yet another wondrous series of events to mark national Bikeweek. There is literally something for everyone right through bikeweek, and these are outlined below in the different bikeweek links, with the times and dates.

Right through this month of June, 5 of Dublin City’s Libraries are hosting a photo gallery of everyday cycling to coincide with Bikeweek and also the International Velo City bicycle conference, being held in Dublin from 25th to 28th June. - Check out details at http://www.bikeweek.ie/events/dublin/city-libraries-cycling-photos-and-film

On Monday evening 24th June the first of four great Heritage Bike Tours takes place in the Phoenix Park. All tours commence from the Visitor Centre at Ashtown at 6.30pm, and will be led by the Phoenix Park Guides and Rangers.
Monday evening’s bike tour will focus on the Park’s Built Heritage related to the Park’s status as a National Historic Park - http://www.bikeweek.ie/events/dublin/phoenix-park-built-heritage-bike-tour
Tuesday evening 26th the focus is on the Park’s Biodiversity - http://www.bikeweek.ie/events/dublin/phoenix-park-biodiversity-bike-tour-0
Thursday 27th and Friday 28th evenings are especially suited to families, but everyone will enjoy getting up close and understanding the history of the Park’s deer herd. Check out the 2 posts below
http://www.bikeweek.ie/events/dublin/phoenix-park-meet-fawns-bike-tour-0 and

On Wednesday afternoon 26th June there is what promises to be the largest ever bike parade in Dublin, as part of the Velo City Conference. It is an afternoon event, but worth considering taking some time off to enjoy, and join in the fun at the finish in St Annes Park! Check out https://www.dublincycling.com/VC19/cycle-parade

On Saturday 28th June we are cycling separately on both the northside and southside of Dublin visiting a number of Community Gardens, on our annual ‘Food Cycle’. Join us at any of the locations and help us to celebrate jointly at the Mud Island Community Garden off the North Strand with music and food. Check out the 2 posts below

And to round off a great Bikeweek Festival we are running a wonderful Joyce Literary Bike Tour on Sunday afternoon 30th June - http://www.bikeweek.ie/events/dublin/joyce-cycle-literary-tour

So why not come and join us on your bike at any or all of these FREE events. And if you would like to help out by marshalling at any of them please contact info@dublincycling.com and let us know.

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