Sandymount Cycle Bus Fun Cycle Bikeweek 2024

Bikeweek a huge success!

All over Dublin there were celebrations, events and bike rides for Bikeweek 2024

We just wanted to share images from a couple of the huge number of events: The first 8 photos here are of the Pedalpalooza Parade, sponsored by Dublin City Council. This was a wonderful day with an absolutely huge parade of cyclists, from tiny tots to the very old, making their way from Capel Street to Fairview park for a festival of all things bike – music, food, dancing, bike tattoos and more.

The other 5 photos show Bike Town, created by The Bike Hub Dublin. Bike Town ran in Eamon Ceannt Park in Crumlin and featured a brass band leading a parade of crazy cyclists, a show-n-shine of vintage bikes, and heaps of other fun activities for kids and adults.

And check out Sandymount Cycle Bus’s video of their incredible Fun Cycle in the village.

We’re already looking forward to next year.

Check out our socials for more photos and lovely memories. And you’ll see photos and more info about the wonderful Community Gardens Cycle, held May 18th, on the Bikes and Biodiversity events report page from Irish Cycling Campaign.

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Monday, 27 May 2024 - 6:00pm

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