DLR Greenway Cornelscourt to Cherrywood

We need you to make a simple submission to support the DLR plan to build a greenway cycling route from Cornelscourt to Cherrywood.

We believe this will really enable people of all ages and activity levels to get out enjoy the public space.

Please send an email to planning@dlrcoco.ie by Friday outlining your support and how this will benefit you and perhaps your kids too. It’s not just about leisure activity, it’ll also offer a connection for commuting.

We are finalising a detailed submission, but we need as many people as possible to give positive support directly to DLR.

You can find more details here http://dlrcoco.ie/aboutus/councildepartments/planning/proposedpart8schem…

And also here http://dlrcoco.ie/newsevents/latestnews/title,11342,en.html

Thank you

News Item

Thursday, 5 February 2015 (All day)

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