
What is the legal position of cyclists in Ireland?

In both Irish and International law (1967 UN Convention of Road Traffic, Vienna), the pedal cycle is a vehicle and therefore the rider is a driver of a vehicle fully entitled to be on public roads (except for motorways where there is a legal exclusion). It also follows that the rider is not a pedestrian on wheels. By extension this means you are not entitled to ride on a footway unless it is expressly declared as a shared facility (path) by appropriate signage and markings. Your legal and natural riding place is on-road.

Some drivers have difficulty in accepting that cyclists are entitled legally to be on our roads. They will state that we pay no ‘road tax’ (no such tax exists - what they mean is ‘motor tax’), no fuel duties, no VRT on bike purchase. But that ignores the issues that (1) roads are funded out of general taxation to which we all, as citizens, contribute towards (2) many cyclists are also owners of a car so are paying for that ownership and use (3) motorised vehicles damage lives and property in traffic collisions (4) motorised vehicles damage the environment and (5) motorsied vehicles damage road surfaces (axle-weight function). So for all of these reasons motorised vehicle use has to be subject to some control for the greater benefit of society.

What legislative changes would we like to see?

The Rules of the Road is the main guidance for most drivers on our roads. However the Rules of the Road publication does not purport to be a precise legal instrument. For the actual primary law you need to read the various Road Traffic Acts 1961-2011 and the associated Regulations that are promulgated as Statutory Instruments (SIs). These are freely available at http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/.

We want to see the Rules of the Road updated to reflect the internationally recognised Hierarchy of Road Users that places the needs of the most vulnerable road users - pedestrians and cyclists - at the top, followed by public transport users with private and goods vehicle users below.

Roads’ Authorities are charged in the Road Act, 1993 (section #13) with a general duty to “consider the needs of all road users” when designing, operating and maintaining any public road in their area. That means cyclists too.

In November 2012 the cycling campaign, as part of Cyclist.ie, made a submission to the Road Safety Authority on reform of the Rules of the Road. The submission included a call for training of drivers to have them understand that they don’t own our roads and must share them with the growing numbers of cyclists. In other words our roads are a shared public space. The submission also demanded the following:

  • Drivers should allow at least 1.5 metre gap when overtaking and where there is insufficient room they should not overtake.

  • The Rules of the Road also need to remind drivers that cyclists will leave a gap of 1 metre when passing parked cars (for fear of being hit by door opening - ‘dooring’ accidents are frequent), and that cyclists are not obliged legally to wear hi-vis vests or helmets.

  • We want to see a change to allow cyclists to make a left turn when the traffic lights are red, but giving way to pedestrians who are using a ‘green-man’ phase on the left junction-arm. This is the case in many European countries, including those with the highest modal-split in favour of cycling.

  • Contraflow cycling should be allowed in one-way streets with low volumes of traffic.

Cyclist.ie also made a submission to a review conducted for the Road Safety Authority in 2012 on the driver training and testing regime. In this submission we called for drivers to be instructed to give a 1.5 metre clearance when overtaking cyclists.

If you want to know more about reform of road traffic law and cycling then go to Section #3.2 of Cyclist.ie submission to Department of Transport in 2008.

For a detailed study of Irish road traffic law then this is about the best place to start: Robert Pierce, ‘Road Traffic Law: The 1961-2011 Road Traffic Acts: Annotated Legislation’ published in 2011 by Bloomsbury Professional, Ltd. [ISBN: 978 1 84766 734 2] You will find that there is not much case law in Ireland relating to cycling. We can’t resist quoting from the Preface to Pierse’s book: “This book is produced as a response to my view that the Road Traffic Acts, 1961-2011 are an almost incomprehensible jungle of law”. So good luck with your venture into Irish road traffic law!

Because there are so many well-funded interests ( e.g. AA Ireland, Irish Road Hauliers Association, HGV Ireland, SIMI, etc) trying to amend laws and regulation to favour motorised driving, cyclists need to be able to counter-lobby. This is why your membership of the cycling campaign is vital to help in this work. We are always looking for volunteers who have a legal background to help in this work and to try and provide answers to the queries we receive each year about road traffic collisions, parking in cycle facilities, dangerous overtaking, etc.

If you would like to get involved in lobbying for legislative changes to benefit cycling promotion call in to one of our public meetings or drop us an email at info@dublincycling.ie

AGM 2015 - Another Well Attended and Lively Gathering!

Dublin Cycling Campaign’s AGM was packed to the rafters on Monday night in the Central Hotel.

New Research Published on *dublinbikes* Scheme

What happens as a new mobility system - in the form of a public bike-sharing system - becomes embedded into a city? What, if any, new processes are kicked into action?

Fixed charge notices for cycling offences - Our response

On 25th June, we sent the following email to officials of the Road Safety section at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS).

30 km/h

The Campaign’s new 30 km/h Action Group has started work. We want to achieve a reduction in speeds to improve cycling and walking by campaigning for a default 30 km/h in built-up areas.

Cyclists in Dublin City Centre Survey

If you’ve a few spare moments, you might like to complete a survey on the behaviour of cyclists for Matthew Richardson (an

Cyclist.ie and Dublin Cycling Campaign strongly endorse the Jake’s Legacy campaign

Press release issued 17th February for immediate use to coincide with Jake’s Legacy vigil at Leinster House gate from Sun 15th to Wed 18th Feb.

Prize-winners in Campaign's Bike Theft Survey!

Congratulations to all of the prize-winners at the packed Dublin Cycling Campaign lecture on ‘Tackling Bike Theft’ on Monday last.

Support the Jake's Legacy Protest at Leinster House on Sun 15-Wed 18 Feb

The Jake’s Legacy campaign was set up to promote increased safety on roads for cyclists and pedestrians, after 6 year old Jake Brennan died after he was knocked down by a car outside his fami

Sign now! 30kph for liveable streets

The Dublin Cycling Campaign supports a new campaign to make 30kph the default speed limit in European cities.

The National Cycle Policy Framework

The Government’s 2009-2020 National Cycle Policy Framework

How to deal with a traffic collision

There are a number of legal provisions directly affecting cyclists in Irish road traffic law so what follows is an attempt to describe them and make them more easily understood.

Cyclist.ie submission to RSA on Rules of the Road

The Campaign contributed to this Cyclist.ie submission to the Road Safety Authority seeking improvement in the ‘Rules of the Road’ guidance document and driver training.

Our Campaign Successes

Dublin Cycling Campaign has been working since the early 1990s to improve conditions for cyclists in Dublin. Among our achievements are:

30kph Campaign

The Dublin Cycling Campaign, together with Cyclist.ie, strongly support the introduction of widespread 30Kp/h zones in the city, particularly in residential streets and in the vicinity of schools.

Dangerous Overtaking Of Cyclists By Drivers

What is Dangerous Overtaking?