Submission on the Frascati Road and Temple Hill Route Improvements


Dublin Cycling Campaign broadly welcomes the proposed changes to Frascati Road and Temple Hill to provide for cyclists. This scheme is of great importance given that this route has a large number of cyclists using it daily and because it is a difficult route to cycle through during busy periods. All efforts to reduce the speed of traffic and provide high quality cycling facilities, with special attention given to manoeuvers at junctions will have a positive effect on cycling.

It is also particularly important to be sure of providing the right mix of interventions considering the recent tragic death of cyclist Louise Butler in August 2013 from a collision with a HGV along this very stretch. While we strongly endorse the objectives of the proposed works, we are very concerned about the proposed retention of the cyclist-hostile slip roads in the road design. The design still focuses priority on motor traffic over cyclists and pedestrians with the retention of these slip roads and many staggered crossing. It is our view that all slip roads need to be removed from all junctions to give a safer environ for vulnerable road users.


Monday, 21 October 2013 (All day)

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