Bringing home ideas from the 'Velo-city' Cycling Planning Conference in Nantes

Monday, 10 August 2015 (All day)
Central Hotel, 8pm

Velo-city is the fabulous cycling planning conference run annually by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). This year it took place in Nantes in France at the beginning of June with over 1500 delegates from 80 countries attending. Four representatives from, the member for Ireland of ECF, took the time to head over - Dr. Mike McKillen, Colm Ryder, Damien Ó Tuama and Catherine Swift.

For our August public meeting, the campaigners who traveled to Nantes will reflect on what they learnt – what are the latest developments in cycling policy and initiatives to transform cities into cycling friendly places? What ideas can we take home from the lovely city of Nantes? Plus, we will report on the latest news from the AGM of the European Cyclists’ Federation.

We will also invite to this meeting the representatives who attended from the Department of Transport, Dublin City Council, Cycling Ireland and Roughan O’Donovan engineers so they can share their experiences.

This public meeting promises to be stimulating and informative – not to be missed!

For presentations given on the evening, see…

Monthly Meeting
Social Event

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