College Green - EIS Scoping Report. Campaign Submission
Dublin Cycling Campaign sent the brief submission below to Dublin City Council in regard to the EIS Scoping Report for College Green. The broader context for this round of consultation is explained on this Dublin City Council page.
It is through tracking these consultation processes that Dublin Cycling Campaigns helps to shape the city for the benefit of everyday cyclists.
Sent: Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 3:51 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,
Here below are some brief comments on the EIS Scoping Report for College Green Plaza development, on behalf of Dublin Cycling Campaign.
We have reviewed the document and overall it runs along statutory lines, and is very comprehensive. The only points we offer are as follows:
1. We are generally happy with the overall approach and comprehensiveness envisaged.
2. We envisage that most major effects of the proposed project will occur under the EIS headings of ‘Traffic & Transportation’, ‘Archaeology, Architectural and Cultural Heritage’, ‘Socio Economic Impacts’, and ‘Material Assets – Utilities’.
3. While it is clear from the documentation that bicycle routes are to be included in the proposed project, the phrase ’ remove all east-west vehicular through-traffic ’ is employed. An alternative phrase should be used for clarity, as bicycles are definitely part of ’ Vehicular Traffic’.
4. There is little or no reference to the potential of an underground aspect to the final design, and the effects this would have on the various factors to be considered, both during and post construction.
5. In Section 5.4 there is a brief reference to ‘Other Planned Projects’. These should be listed clearly.
6. Minor typo in Section 10 Baseline Surveys - Socio-Economics. ‘effected’ should read ‘affected’.
Feel free to contact the undersigned if you have any queries or any follow on information.
Colm Ryder
Chairperson, Cyclist.ie, www.cyclist.ie
Secretary, Dublin Cycling Campaign, www.dublincycling.ie
[Note that the photo above came from the Photos of Dublin Facebook page.]
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