Collisions, Injuries, Slips and Falls

This heartbreaking loss of life is NOT inevitable

We in Dublin Cycling Campaign are all deeply upset at the tragic loss of life at Dolphin’s Barn Bridge on Monday November 6th.

Media Appearances 2023

On this page we will document some of our main media appearances in 2023 (but by no means exhaustive).

Council Takes Action Against Construction Site Over Hazardous Roads

In response to multiple reports of cyclists suffering injuries in slips and falls, which

Hazardous Roads Cause Spate of Cycling Falls Across Dublin

Dublin Cycling Campaign has issued an alert after a large number of people reported slips and falls while cycling in Dublin in recent weeks.

Update on Luas Track Cycling Issues

Progress is being made on solutions to the current difficulties.

Traffic Pressures a Major Factor in Tram Track Cycling Crashes

More than half of victims reported that traffic pressures contributed to their crash.

Luas Tracks & Cycling Injuries

Over the past 18 months, since the new rails began to be installed for the Luas Cross City project, Dublin Cycling Campaign has received multiple messages from people who’ve fallen while cycl

Luas Cross City & Cycling - Public Meeting Report

Report on our public meeting about the impact of Luas Cross City on cycling.

Cycle Protest to Demand Proper Funding for Cycling!

Enough is enough! Everyday bicycle users are taking to the streets en masse to demand proper funding for cycling.

Request for more appropriate Road Traffic Collision reporting

We are requesting that a more appropriate Road Traffic Collision reporting when it comes to the standard of wording used when reporting road traffic collisions between vulnerable users and motor ve

Monthly Public Meeting - Bicycle Collisions: Why are they Being Under-reported?

Our public talk this month will be presented by Prof Brian Caulfield of Trinity. He will speak on his recent paper “The safety challenge of increased cycling”.


We surveyed our members and Facebook friends to find the 10 worst junctions/streets in Dublin. These were presented to the Dublin City Council Cycle Forum in January 2011.

How to deal with a traffic collision

There are a number of legal provisions directly affecting cyclists in Irish road traffic law so what follows is an attempt to describe them and make them more easily understood.

Infrastructure Position - The roads are for all road users

Public roads are for all road users, and this should be reflected both in the design of roads, in the management of traffic, and in the formulation and enforcement of traffic law.